2025 | 1st annual couples conference

One of the core values here at La Iglesia is “Healthy Families”. We believe the Lord has called us to bring marriages together. Both husband and wife may understand that the strongest bond they hold is in the covenant of marriage. What God has joined together, let no one separate (Matthew 19:6). La Iglesia is dedicated to establishing healthy marriages and empowering them to walk in their God-given purpose. We were honored to have hosted our first marriage retreat in February where we got to see the Lord move mightily. Pastor Homero and Claudia Garcia (La Iglesia Mundelein) gave us three powerful sessions on the covenant of marriage.

The Lord wants us to confront and leave behind everything that is not going to lead us to have a healthy marriage. (Machismo, Matriarch) wrong ideas of each gender’s role in marriage.

  1. The Lord wants us to confront and leave behind everything that is not going to lead us to have a healthy marriage. (Machismo, Matriarch) wrong ideas of each gender’s role in marriage.
  2. The Lord wants us to examine our hearts. Identify what is keeping us chained and unable (Lust, Pornography, bitterness) to enjoy the life of intimacy with our partner.
  3. The importance of praying and interceding for your partner. We need to be marriages that pray.

As a church, we believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We believe in the gifts to be a method God uses to edify his Church. The marriage retreat was not the exception. Many were edified through words of knowledge, words of wisdom, and the interpretation of tongues. We continue to pray and are committed to seeing marriages restored by the power of God and his word. If you are interested to know more about who we are as a church community. What our core values are and how can also transform your marriage reach out to us Via Email (Admin@lavinasp.org) or message our Pastors Ulises & Reina Bello (224) 413-6645. 

We Are Expanding Our Food Shelf

After a period of time to pray, discuss and plan, our Compassion Outreach ministry has determined the time is right to open the food shelf on a new day during the week. We have determined that a Tuesday afternoon

Quality control!

timeframe from 3pm to 6pm would open new opportunity to our neighbors we serve. This date and time provides our neighbors with an alternate pickup time besides the Saturday distribution time.

We also feel this is a great time to add opportunities for our church members to join at a different time to serve in the food shelf. If you are unable to serve on Friday and Saturday, please consider volunteering and serving on Tuesdays starting April 4th. Volunteer shifts are from 9am to noon, noon to 3pm and 3pm to 6pm. Our Compassions Ministry Leader, Teresa Garcia will lead this new ministry time. This might be an opportunity for Discipleship Groups to serve together at one of the outreaches.

This expanded access is part answer to the growing use of the food shelf and the needs of our communities we serve. The new Tuesday service is in partnership with Family Values For Life and the Contenders for the Faith Church of Saint Paul. They have been faithful members of the Saint Paul community over the past twenty years and are partners in our building as well.

You can make a difference in the lives of many of our Neighbors within our communities by donating money or non-perishable foods this month during the Minnesota FoodShare Campaign. Your contributions are matched by the Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches making your gift an even larger impact.

Interest Form

People can submit there names if they are interested in volunteering


2022 New Year Message

Goodbye to 2021, hello 2022!

2021 was another memorable and turbulent year for La Iglesia Saint Paul (and the world), from continuing to live through the pandemic, to becoming an independent church, our community has not only continued to walk the life of faith but also thriving. Our family now is over 139 strong and we continue touching the lives of thousands of our neighbors and community.

Our compassions outreach ministry called the “Fruit of the Vine Food Shelf” served 4,077 families, or 14,539 people with 455,741 pounds of groceries. Many of our members were introduced to La Iglesia through our food shelf invitation.

Our church has also matured through different challenges, some pandemic related, others from unexpected crisis. What strikes us the most as we remember 2021 is:

  • La Iglesia leadership team grew in its walk with the Lord and commitment to the church.
  • We changed our name from La Vina to La Iglesia.
  • La Iglesia made difficult decisions to keep the focus of God’s calling on our community.
  • Our discipleship groups have grown in numbers.
  • La Iglesia served the hunger needs of our neighbors and communities throughout the pandemic.

It’s because of your prayers, helping hands, and generous giving. Thank you for our family as we make an enduring local and global impact!

As an organization, we are planning several initiatives as we head into the first quarter 2022.

  • We have merged the Fruit of the Vine Food Shelf into our Compassion Outreach ministry.
  • Vineyard Community Services has become a program of La Iglesia.
  • Staffing updates include administration and the compassions outreach ministry.

For 2022 we sense the Lord leading us to prayer for…

  • Leadership – new ministry leaders to serve the mission and vision of La Iglesia. For some of us, “renewing our first love”
  • Vision and strategy – to grow our board of directors to provide vision and strategies
  • Outreach – growing the church volunteers into the weekly outreaches, seeing people through the Lord’s vision and using the outreach as an evangelism and discipleship tool.
  • Facility – space enough to meet our growing needs, as well as our community service ministry and focus

Our compass points to the Kingdom of God and the ministry of Jesus the Messiah. We desire to do what He is doing and to follow His lead.

Living the Jesus lifestyle – Walking with Jesus

As we start a new year in the life of the Church, we want to take a moment and talk about living the Jesus lifestyle with some goals for our personal walk.

Taken from Matthew 6:25-7:23

Jesus’ words are the greatest words ever spoken. They are challenging, for example, He says, ‘do to others what you would have them to do you’ (7:12). This golden rule is beautifully simple and most of us have heard it said, but it seems impossible to live out. ‘Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them’ (v.12, MSG).

Our challenge is putting Jesus’ words into practice. His instructions are clear, but the standards seem impossibly high. Yet, nothing is too hard for the Lord.

  • Stop worrying and start living

Jesus commands us not to worry about our lives or for material things (6:25,28–31). Think ahead, plan, but don’t worry ahead. Trust in the Lord to provide (v.26). He knows your every need (v.32). Faith is the antidote to worry. You cannot add a single hour to your life by worrying (v.27).

Live one day at a time. Don’t borrow trouble from tomorrow: ‘each day has enough trouble of its own’ (v.34b). Decide today not to worry about tomorrow. Trust God to provide for you one day at a time.

  • Priorities

Jesus tells us to change our ambitions and priorities. Seek God for who He is and not for what He can do for you. Like us, God does not want his friends only to be interested in what they can get out of Him. He wants you to seek His ‘presence’ not just his ‘presents’.

Take on a new set of responsibilities that are both exciting and challenging: ‘seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be yours as well’ (v.33).

  • Do not be judgmental

We are not to take pleasure in judging others, not to enjoy seeking out other people’s failings or presuming their actions spring from bad motives. If we knew what people had been through, their sorrow and their suffering, we would not be so quick to judge. Jesus tells us to get our own lives sorted out first. We are to change ourselves before we try and change other people (7:1–5). Rather than sowing harsh criticism and judgment, sow mercy, kindness and love.

  • Persist in prayer

Don’t be repetitious but be persistent. Jesus makes wonderful promises of answered prayer (vv.7–8). He promises ‘good gifts’ as you pray (vv.9–11).

  • Choose to live a radical life

Stay on the narrow road that leads to life (vv.13–14). On the narrow road there is no room for pride, dishonesty, anger, hatred of enemies or unforgiveness.

Humility is the order of the day. You must give, pray, exercise self-control and seek first the kingdom of God. It is a road of purity, integrity, honesty and forgiveness. It is a road where you are required to ‘do to others what you would have them do to you’ (v.12). You are to show good fruit – by your character, lifestyle, teaching, actions, impact and relationships (vv.15–23).

Lord, as we face the challenge of living the Jesus lifestyle this year, thank you that nothing is impossible with you. Fill us today with your Holy Spirit and help us to live the kind of life that deep down we long to live.

Pastors: Ulises and Reyna Bello

Administrative Pastors: Brian and Kim Geraty

Eres bienvenido!! You are welcome!!


The La Iglesia St. Paul is a multi-ethnic with a Latino primary expression that is multi-generational that values all people, regardless of age, socio-economic status, gender, and ethnicity!

At La Iglesia Saint Paul, we welcome people from all backgrounds and at any spiritual level. Our functions and services are open to any person who is willing to come and explore the Christian faith. Our aim, in everything we do, is to help people live in the way of Jesus with the heart of Jesus.

Come join us Sundays at noon to 1:30pm and Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm, all are welcome!


Thy Kingdom Come Conference – December 3rd and 4th


The Kingdom Come Conference will be on December 3rd and 4th (Friday and Saturday) this year LIVE!. The venue will be at the La Iglesia Mundelein facility in North Chicago. All are welcome to this wonderful gathering and you are encouraged to join!

We will start on Friday with registration at 5 pm. The first session will start at 7 pm. Transportation and hotel room recommendations are available through Pastor Uli or anyone on the ministry teams.

On Saturday we will start at 10 am with worship, message, breakout sessions, lunch break, more breakout sessions and teaching with a dinner break and a final message and worship service. The conference will end at 7:30 pm. There will be food sales at the conference as well as numerous restaurants in the local area.

The cost will be $ 20 per adult (18 years and older), $5 per teenager (12 to 17 years) and $5 per child (0 to 11 years).  We will have a program for children and another for adolescents.  

We believe this will be an impactful event with relevant teaching and commissioning of our community to Kingdom love and ministry. Please join us!

Men’s and Women’s Gatherings Monday and Tuesday (6pm, Feb 3rd and Jan 28th)

Women’s gathering despite the indoor weather!!

Hey Iglesia,

The Women of La Iglesia are gathering every First Monday of the month. At 6pm in the church community room. There will be fellowship, worship, prayer and a relevant message to strengthen your walk with the Lord. Of course, food

Mens gathering

Also, the Men’s group is meeting on every last Tuesday of the month, evening at 6pm in the church community room as well. They will do manly projects,  fellowship, worship the Lord, pray for each other and families as well as listen to a message.

Woman’s gathering dates:                  Man’s gathering dates:

  1. Jan. 06                                        1. Jan. 28
  2. Feb.03                                         2. Feb. 25
  3. Mar. 03                                       3. Mar. 25
  4. Apr. 07                                        4. Apr. 29
  5. May. 05                                       5. May. 27
  6. Jun. 02                                         6. Jun. 24
  7. Jul. 07                                          7. Jul. 29
  8. Aug. 04                                        8. Aug. 26
  9. Sep. 01                                        9. Sep. 30
  10. Oct. 06                                        10. Oct. 28
  11. Nov. 03                                       11. Nov. 25
  12. Dec. 01                                       12. Dec. 30

Welcome to church services

Hello community,

La Iglesia preachers

We are a multicultural community with an upbeat celebratory worship service, relevant message and a community that is involved in local and global concerns of justice, advocacy and serving the poor. As a full-Gospel, non-denominational church we are committed to pursuing His presence, building His kingdom and sharing His love. Our goal is for you to belong, believe, and become. We want to extend our invitation to our weekly services at La Iglesia Saint Paul.

– Sunday Worship Service Starts at noon to 1:30pm in the Upper Fellowship Hall of First Covenant Church. Children’s class starts right after worship in our Community Room. Also, English translation is also available throughout our services.

– Wednesday night Bible Study is from 6:30pm in our Community Service Room.

We also operate a busy food shelf serving the neighborhoods of Saint Paul and the extended region. You are invited to serve as a volunteer or to be our guest, either way, we would love to see you.

Our facility is still working on safe Covid-19 safety protocols with masks required in our facility. We want to follow all personal safety measures regarding the use of mouth covers, social distancing and cleaning.  We do this because of our deep love for each of you and our neighbors.


La Iglesia St Paul, 1280 Arcade Street, Saint Paul MN  55106

Thank you, we look forward to seeing you at the Service!


Pastoral and Ministry Teams

About our logo


The logo of La Iglesia St. Paul

The logo represents three people, because the church is the people of God, not buildings, chairs or a steeple. The three people come together and when they do  they form the cross of Christ, the symbol of Christianity. The dot or circle represents the person’s head and the colored lines represent the arms and therefore the action of the person. The person in blue represents a person in adoration or worship. The person is lifting up his arms toward heaven in worship. The blue color represents heaven where God resides and where all of our worship is directed to. The person in green, a color associated with life, growth and reproduction, means missions. It is the mission of Jesus to go into the world to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to make disciples, that make disciples. The result of that will be life, growth and multiplication. As the church fulfills the mission there will be more people saved and transformed. More disciples of Jesus. And more churches. There will be growth and multiplication. And the person in yellow, which is a warm color, signifies the close relationship among brothers and sisters in Christ who gather together to edify one another:

  • by teaching one another,
  • or by using their spiritual gifts and natural talents,
  • or by encouraging one another by praying and caring for one another.

Our name is simply La Iglesia (the church) because that’s exactly what we were called to be and what we want to be. We simply want to do what the church is supposed to do (Adoration, Edification and Mission). And just as the original church did not have a name such as Trinity Church, or The Good Shepherd Church or Harvest Bible Church, we prefer to call ourselves La Iglesia to express not only what we want to be and to do, but also to express our simplicity. We do not want to be a sophisticated, complex or fancy church but a simple church like the church in the book of Acts. And just as the first church was recognized by its location (the church in Rome, the church in Ephesus, the church in Corinth, etc.) we want to be identified as the church in our different locations. We are the church in Saint Paul.

We are “La Iglesia St. Paul”

Our new logo

After a time of prayer and consideration, we are changing our name to La Iglesia St. Paul in accordance to the first church in Acts.

Based on the first church that appears in Acts 2, we see that the church is a group of believers in Christ who come together for three purposes: Worship, Building and Mission. Worship is looking for the Lord together to worship him with words, music and thanksgiving. Building is to grow and edify the church by using our gifts where some are praying for others, some singing and playing instruments, others teach, others prophesy, others preach, others teach children or young people, others serve food, and there are many more gifts that people have been given for the use of edifying the church.  Mission is Jesus’ mission to evangelize and make disciples who make disciples. The church, the Bible and the pandemic have taught us, it is not a building. It’s not Sunday. It’s not a small group that does everything. The church is all believers who gather to worship God, edify each other and fulfill the mission of Jesus. The church had no names originally. The church was simply known as The Church. And when they wanted to address a part of the church they went with these words “to the church in Corinth” or “to the church in Rome.”  We are the church in Saint Paul.

During this period of reflection, we considered ‘who we are’ and what are our values. From these conversations we developed a vision and mission statement that would be simple, yet indicate our culture (mission) and where we want to be (vision). the following is our determination:

VISION (where we are headed) Based on The Great Commission in Matthew 28 – 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.


Our VISION is to be a community that is building the Kingdom of God to all nations, one life at a time.


Our MISSION (what we do today) – We seek to be a congregation of disciples of Jesus that gathers to accomplish three main purposes: To Know, Love and Serve God