Every week we are distributing 15K-20K pounds of food

The Fruit of the Vine Saint Paul food shelf is open every Saturday from 9am to noon at our Saint Paul location at: 1280 Arcade Street, Saint, Paul, MN 55106, located at First Covenant Church of Saint Paul.

Neighbors are provided a ‘client choice’ shopping style, or a curbside pickup service.

If you come to the food shelf, please enter the east entrance into our Communnity Room lobby. You will be given a number assignment. You must wear a mask before entering the building and at all times while in our facility. We observe social distancing of 6′ apart. You will be called to intake by your assigned number. Please give the intake staff your number and provide a form of identification. From the Intake station you will be directed into the food shelf.

All people are welcome, we ask that you double check our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/LaVinaStPaul/ for updated information and schedules.



Food Shelf Volunteer Team
  • Wash your hands often
  • Wear a facial mask to protect others and yourself
  • Don’t touch your face
  • Social distancing of 6′