Fruit of the Vine Food Shelf Saint Paul

Our call to be compassionate neighbors necessitates action that prioritizes the safety of each and every person and the mitigation of the spread of this corona virus so we continue to practice a modified food distribution by asking our neighbors to do a drive-up service. We have implemented state of Minnesota and recommended guidelines for the safe distribution of groceries to the public during the pandemic.

If you are visiting the Fruit of the Vine Store indoor, please enter the east entrance to the Community Room and Store area. You will be given a number upon entry, please enter the community room and take a seat at one of the social distancing tables and await your number to be called. After intake, you will be given an order sheet and directed to the food shelf store and shop for your groceries. At checkout you will turn in the order sheet to the weighing station. After checkout, take your cart to your car and return the cart to the entryway.

If you are gathering your groceries by curbside pickup please follow these steps:

Please stay in your car and park in a handicap parking area to practice social distancing.

  • You will receive a “Take Down” form and instructions from the parking lot attendant.
  • If you are NEW please complete the form including your Name, address and names and birthdates of family members in the household section.
  • If you are RETURNING you only need to write your Name as listed on your Driver’s License or Passport. 
  • STAY IN YOUR CAR and the Parking lot attendant will pick up your form to be processed by the Intake/Registration volunteers.
  • When your order is ready your name will be called and the parking lot attendant will direct you to a table for you to load your grocery order.

Thank you for your patience and your cooperation!